Happy Thursday morning to you! TGTIF!
Can you believe it is September 1st????????
At the end of July, when we were having a family crab feast for the girls, we noticed quite a few cardinals around. Two of which, a male and female, were swooping into this tree near the table we were at. Hmmmmm....
So upon looking around later--inside the house, mind you, because it was so blasted hot, I discovered this cardinals nest! We had a perfect vantage point--we could see right thru the window at Mom and the eggs! How lucky were we!!
We looked up the habits and hatchings of cardinal eggs...love to hear that they'll be back to use the same nest or at least our yard for their next brood!
We thought we would be away when the babies arrived, but we had our counts off! Yay us!
So I missed them leaving the nest...that I am pretty sure happened while we were gone.
About a week ago, I'm upstairs working on laundry, etc., and I see this guy!!
It's one of the babies!!!! You can tell this is going to be a male, because of the plumage at the top of his head! So the fam will be sort of near each other!! Yay!
I don't know if he put those holes in the screen or not...they weren't there before...and the dogs can't reach the second floor. I'm guessing yes...he did it.
Have a great Thursday!